March 11, 2023
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Built on Root
FuturePass Early Access Launch
Futureverse launches FuturePass, your passport through the open metaverse, built on The Root Network.
Futureverse launches FuturePass, your passport through the open metaverse, built on The Root Network.
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The team at Futureverse believe humans should be at the center of the internet. That begins now with… FuturePass, your passport through the open metaverse.

You do not have control over your digital identity on the internet. Hopefully, this isn’t a surprise. Futureverse are going to change that. FuturePass makes managing your journey through the metaverse simpler and safer than ever before.

Your Open Metaverse Passport

FuturePass is your portal in and out of apps, experiences and worlds throughout the open metaverse. It helps you to protect your identity and data.

In addition to protecting yourself, FuturePass stores your Stuff (digital assets, tokens, memberships, etc.), manages permissions, helps you build status and more.

Today, early access to FuturePass launches for Fluf World asset holders.

Learn more about FuturePass here.

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